How FAM Supports Both Families and Local Vendors in Western PA

Cheerful farm workers organizing fresh fruit and vegetables

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Food Assistance Match (FAM) is known for its crucial role in combating food insecurity in Western Pennsylvania, particularly through its innovative approach at local farmers markets. While the primary mission of FAM is to enhance food accessibility for those in need, it’s important to recognize that our efforts also provide significant support to local vendors. This dual impact helps strengthen the entire community, creating a sustainable ecosystem where everyone benefits.

FAM’s Impact on Families and the Community

At the heart of FAM’s mission is the goal to help families facing food insecurity by increasing their access to fresh, nutritious food. By multiplying the buying power of food assistance benefits at farmers markets, FAM ensures that more families can afford wholesome food, leading to better health outcomes and quality of life. This approach not only meets immediate nutritional needs but also supports long-term health improvements for individuals and families throughout our region.

How FAM Supports Local Vendors

While the focus is on aiding those in need, FAM’s model also brings considerable benefits to local vendors at farmers markets. Here’s how:

Increased Sales and Customer Base

  • Direct Financial Support: By multiplying the value of food assistance benefits, FAM effectively increases the spending power of individuals and families at farmers markets. This increased purchasing power translates directly into higher sales for local vendors without them needing to reduce prices or change their business models.
  • Attracting New Shoppers: FAM helps bring a more diverse customer base to the market. Individuals who might not typically shop at farmers markets due to budget constraints are now able to become regular customers, thanks to the enhanced affordability provided by FAM.

Strengthening the Local Economy

  • Circulating Local Dollars: Every dollar spent with local vendors stays within the community and has a multiplier effect, supporting local jobs and the regional economy. By ensuring that more people can buy from local vendors, FAM helps keep money in the local economy, supporting small businesses and contributing to economic stability.
  • Sustainable Growth: Vendors benefit from the consistent and reliable increase in customers, which can lead to more sustainable business growth. This stability allows vendors to plan better, invest in their businesses, and grow alongside the community.

Spotlight on Local Markets

FAM operates at three key farmers markets in Western PA, each with its own unique set of vendors and community atmosphere. Here’s how FAM is making a difference at each location:

Bellevue Farmers Market

  • Located in a vibrant community, Bellevue Farmers Market features a range of vendors offering everything from fresh fruits and vegetables to artisanal bread and local dairy. FAM’s presence here helps ensure that all community members have access to these high-quality products, while vendors enjoy the benefits of increased sales and customer interaction.

Cranberry Township Farmers Market

  • This market serves a growing area and provides a wide variety of local produce, meats, and handmade goods. FAM’s involvement boosts the market’s role as a community hub, making it more accessible to a broader audience and providing vendors with the opportunity to reach more customers who are eager to support local agriculture and craftsmanship.

Bethel Park Farmers Market

  • Known for its friendly atmosphere and diverse offerings, the Bethel Park Farmers Market is a weekly must-visit for many. With FAM, vendors here see a significant uptick in shoppers, especially from families who appreciate being able to stretch their food budgets further while enjoying fresh, locally-sourced products.

Ensuring a Balanced Approach

It’s important to note that while FAM does provide economic benefits to vendors, the program is carefully balanced to ensure that the primary focus remains on aiding those who are food insecure. The additional income vendors receive is a byproduct of FAM’s primary mission—enabling more families to access nutritious food. This approach ensures that the program remains centered on its core humanitarian objectives while also fostering a positive economic environment for local businesses.


Food Assistance Match (FAM) is more than just a program to combat food insecurity; it’s a comprehensive community initiative that supports both families in need and local vendors. By enhancing the purchasing power of families and bringing them to local farmers markets, FAM helps create healthier communities and stronger economies in Western Pennsylvania. As we continue to grow and serve more markets and families, the dual benefits of FAM will remain central to our mission, ensuring that we continue to do double duty in serving our community.  Please help support our mission!


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